You're a good man. That's all I have to say. Well, that and I wish all the best for all you.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by NotFromTexas

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this piece. Thank you for sharing your writing with me. Like Lil, I wish all the best for you and yours. Sending prayers up that your stepson makes it this time.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by NotFromTexas

"Joe Cantaloupe"

I love this nickname.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by NotFromTexas

"I’m not sure what conceiving of such a scenario says about me, but it chills me to the core every time I think of it."

Wait til he gets his driver's license.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by NotFromTexas

"if I wish to spend any additional time with The Kid, I need to meet him where he is."

This is good but also don't forget, as Lil notes, you're a good man, NFT. But be sure create opportunites for him meet you where you are sometimes, too.

And it sounds like you've got all the makings of "What a Boy Needs to Know to Be a Man" speech already lined up. Poco y pocito.


"It doesn't matter if it's true or not, you see. A man should believe in those things because those are the things worth believing in."

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by NotFromTexas

"Sunday Morning Coming Down"

Freaking beautiful.

I'm going to go grab my guitar right now. I should already have known how to play this one.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by NotFromTexas

"As you wish"

What a great way to tie it all up.

A great essay, my friend. And I love how you've made him your grandson, too.

He won't forget any of this, I assure you.

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Very powerful post, sir. Well done. You've wrapped up a lot of different thoughts and ideas about what it's like to be a father figure and a man in these weird times. I hope things work out for the best for you and the Kid.

I'm not sure what kind of video game system he might be using, but if you can, look into the variety of different Lego-based games, as they often have co-op mode that let you solve the puzzles or challenges together, rather than a competitive thing like Mario Kart (although that is a fun game). If he's into it as well, getting a Lego set and building it together is another good opportunity for time spent doing something constructive (or jigsaw puzzles, although at that age kids tend to lose focus).

As you've said already, the important part is just being there - most of my good memories of my dad when I was small was just doing things with him - getting out of school and driving around with him while he worked, or going with him to his weekly bowling night (and playing pinball or other table games in the back while the adults bowled).

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by NotFromTexas

A very important piece on a multitude of levels. Hopefully the father involved will be successful in holding back his demons. They will always be there. He needs to be aware and constantly vigilant.

Kudos to you for trying to take up the slack. I’m confident you will find that rewarding. It will reveal aspects of yourself hitherforth unknown. It will undoubtedly strengthen the bond between yourself and your wife.

Don’t try to defeat him in the video game arena. I’m passably decent at some games and my 12 year old granddaughter has been kicking my butt for years. I don’t take that to heart though because I saw a younger version of my daughter destroy Angus Young in Guitar Hero using the AC/DC songbook.

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