There is so much truth in this essay that it is impossible to organize, summarize, and synthesize my responses to it all. Laura Ingalls Wilder expressed her horror at the predations of "savages" (those innocent children genocided by evil white people). For this, she is shunned and demonized. The same can be said for the author of the fabulous Harry Potter books. J.K. Rowling is now condemned and marginalized for speaking honestly about the lies and insanity being spread by the Woke.

Bill Maher's feelings and beliefs are, like all honest men's, constantly being changed by current events. He may become the 21st Century's answer to Mark Twain or Will Rogers.

Only one thing is certain: The USA has become the prime promoter and banker of evil in the world today.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023Liked by NotFromTexas

"but I concur with one Lillia Gajewski, a very wise and shrewd judge of human character"


*considers that Lil claims to like NFT and Pi, ponders*

Maybe not all that shrewd...

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by NotFromTexas

"Let he that is not guilty of the same be the first to submit his past to public scrutiny."


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Bill Maher makes me laugh, but, yes, he is very much trying to save the Democrat Party from themselves. I have a feeling it's gone too far. They aren't listening. Thanks for the shoutout.

I've found two things to be true:

Humans always take everything too far.

The farther we get from the natural world, the farther we get from each other, the more our spirit sickens. Humanity is a spiritually sick species at this point. We don't respect each other, but even more brutally we have no respect for ourselves, not in any meaningful way. Going back to Joan of Arc: which is more impressive? That a teenage *girl* managed to break free of all restraints and lead an army in the Middle Ages, no matter what happened to her in the end, or that she was a man born in the wrong body, so she really accomplished nothing? That is a lack of respect for her accomplishments. How much do you have to disrespect yourself today--how disconnected do you have to be--that you can't even live in your own body without cosmetically altering it to an extreme? And how sick do we have to be as a society that we allow adults to tell children that extreme lack of respect and acceptance of oneself is *normal* and *healthy*?!?!

It boggles the mind.

Anyway, sorry it took me a bit to get here, but as always what a wonderful piece.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by NotFromTexas

What I hear you say is essentially it’s “revival or bust”. If not I totally misunderstand you. That’s my belief. This is Romans 1 stuff. We can’t vote our way out of this and there’s no knight riding in to save the day. The people are the problem.

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