As expected- fascinating. It makes me think I’m grateful to be forced inside due to heat warnings. ( currently 115) in AZ.

Thanks again, enjoying your perspectives.

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Thank you!

There is no comparing Texas heat to Arizona heat - residents of the Valley live on the surface of the sun!

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I'm having trouble imagining steel workers or miners with this guideline: "DO have fun! Keep moving, walking, dancing with your signs up and down the sidewalks. Feel free to start a chant or a song. Just because it’s important doesn’t mean it can’t be fun."

Only our artistic betters.

I also don't think this is coincidental: "Cruz shoots down Schumer effort to regulate AI." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cruz-shoots-down-schumer-regulate-ai-more-harm-than-good. AI has been a threat to virtually every "thinking" job in America, but let it threaten Hollywood celebs?!?! Now we need an act of Congress.

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"AI has been a threat to virtually every 'thinking' job in America, but let it threaten Hollywood celebs?!?! Now we need an act of Congress."

Yep...that's rich, isn't it?

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If you held a gun to my head, I could not tell you the name of a single network TV show that is scripted, and I'd struggle to name an unscripted/"reality" show.

The days of "appointment" TV is over, and it's about time the Networks figured that out.

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